
50 g (¼ large tuber) Potato
30 g (8-9 thin slices) Kohlrabi
30 g Vermicelli noodles
30 g (3.5 full 5 ml spoons) Cassava flour
20 g Lean meat
25 g (5 x 5 ml spoons) Vegetable oil

Cooking Instructions

Lean meat soup (1 large bowl)

Peel potato and kohlrabi then wash them. Cut them into pieces. Mince meat. Wash vermicelli
noodles, soak in water until soft, cut noodles into 1 cm lengths. Stew potato, kohlrabi
and meat. Then add vermicelli noodles and cassava (mix flour with 50 ml water) until
cassava is well done, add vegetable oil.

General information

Difficulty: 3 of 5

Nutritional Information

510 kcal Energy
6 g Protein
120 mg Phos­phate
19 mg Sodium
294 mg Potassium
1 portion – calculated for a person of 70 kg